Kaap Agri Agrimark Eendekuil
March 27, 2023
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Só skep Kverneland ‘n droomsaadbed
NEWS Die diepste droom van enige saadkorrel of -pit is ‘n eenvormige, snoesige saadbed waarin hy in knus kontak met die grond kan ontkiem en sy wortels behaaglik kan uistrek
Mechanical Weeding Equipment | Onyx, Lynx & Helios
NEWS The Kverneland Group has introduced new mechanical weeding solutions to help farmers reduce the use of pestisides, while keeping up with the evergrowing demand to feed the population. The
Kverneland Pudama | 100% Yield with 25% Less Fertiliser
NEWS Recently announced during the #agritechnica show, the #Kverneland PUDAMA system ensures the reduction of at least 25% of starter fertiliser compared with the continuous application of fertiliser – whilst