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Kverneland CLC vs CLG: Wat is die verskil?

NEWS Die Kverneland CLC (Compact Line Cultivator) II en CLG (Compact Line Grubber) is beide implemente van Kverneland wat deur Jupidex aangebied word vir grondbewerking, maar hulle verskil in hul

Só skep Kverneland ‘n droomsaadbed

NEWS Die diepste droom van enige saadkorrel of -pit is ‘n eenvormige, snoesige saadbed waarin hy in knus kontak met die grond kan ontkiem en sy wortels behaaglik kan uistrek

Jupidex COO appointed Vice Chairman of SAAMA

Jupidex COO appointed as Vice Chairman of SAAMA

NEWS Jupidex is delighted to announce the appointment of our Chief Operating Officer, Arthur Bezuidenhout, as the Vice Chairman of the South African Agricultural Machinery Association (SAAMA). With over 30