Pidelta (Pty) Ltd
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Celebrating our 25th birthday
NEWS For the past quarter-century, we have had the privilege of serving the agricultural community with dedication, passion, and a commitment to excellence. Share this notification. *|MC:SUBJECT|* *|MC_PREVIEW_TEXT|* Dear Dealer, it’s
Improving farming, improving lives
NEWS At Jupidex, we believe that improving farming practices isn’t just about enhancing productivity – it’s about transforming lives. That’s why we’re committed to providing innovative agricultural solutions that empower
Só skep Kverneland ‘n droomsaadbed
NEWS Die diepste droom van enige saadkorrel of -pit is ‘n eenvormige, snoesige saadbed waarin hy in knus kontak met die grond kan ontkiem en sy wortels behaaglik kan uistrek